We are committed to helping you build your skills.

Get in touch.

To start your resume review, fill out the form, or email us with your questions, and we’ll be happy to help you!

Learning new skills is an important part of life, and is something we work on every day. When seeking employment or promotions, building up your resume, cover letter, and interview skills are essential.

Here at LEAP, we are committed to helping you build your skills.

Our Professional Employment Advisors are here to help you with:

  • Resume Writing
  • Cover Letter Creation
  • Job Matching for all ages!
  • Interview Preparation
  • Potential Financial Support

Kick-off your career hunt with FREE resume writing, review, and advice!

These services are FREE OF CHARGE to anyone and everyone who needs them, including unemployed adults, students, and those thinking of changing their career path.

Your Employment Advisors

Bethen Chalke

Employment Advisor

Katy Cederwall

Employment Advisor