How to use Custom Field Post Type

1. Required plugins

  • Advanced Custom Field

  • Custom Post Type UI

  • DIvi theme

  • Divi Machine

2. Create custom post

  • 1. Click CPT UI menu in the left side bar
  • 2. Fill all the inputs on the top section of the page
  • 3. Add Post type

3. Create custom field

  • 1. Click Custom Field menu in the left side bar
  • 2. Click Add New
  • 1. Fill input boxes and select field type
  • 2. Fill All the options if you need
  • 1. Find and select the post what you created by Custom Field
  • 2. Publish or update
  • You can see the section what you created at the bottom in the custom post

4. Build a repeater

  • 1. Go to Divi in the left menu
  • 2. Click Divi Library
  • 3. Add new
  • 1. 1. Fill the input Layout name
  • 2. Select layout type Row or Section
  • 3. Submit
  • Select ACF item in the module
  • 1. Click ACF names
  • 2. Select the custom field in the ACF
  • 3. Save the builder
  • 1.Add a module
  • 2. Select .Archive Loop - Divi Machine
  • 1. Select a Post Type what you created by Advanced Custom Field
  • 2. Select Custom Loop Layout what you built on Divi layout
  • 1. Set the Grid Option
  • 2. Set the Loop Options